January is a great time to focus on self-care and creating healthier habits. There is something about the new year that makes most people want to recreate themselves, start something new, and make healthier choices. Of course, you never have to wait for the “new year” or a Monday to do that — you can start making healthier choice TODAY even if you happen to be reading this in the middle of the year!

Kristi Jones walking at the beach during sunset

The Kristi Jones Podcast- 7 Simple Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Begin Now

There are so many different ways you can explore the “new year, new me” movement that many of us hear about. But sometimes, the best laid plans go out the door because they are not sustainable. 

Many of us start off the new year with a ton of motivation to try new things. We make this intricate plans that involve so much work and planning that we often find ourselves simply not doing it anymore. It’s not sustainable. And a “new you” isn’t going to come about when you can’t consistently keep up with your new found resolutions.

Related: My Version of a Healthy Margarita

That’s why, when looking at lifestyle changes, I like to tell my clients to KISS — keep-it-simple-silly (ok, so silly isn’t the word that is used usually but I don’t like the other one!). In other words, keep your lifestyle changes simple and small at first. Don’t make the resolution to workout 5 days a week at the gym if you haven’t stepped foot inside one for years. Start off with small and sustainable changes that you can do consistently until they become a habit. And research shows that habits are formed after 21 days of consistency. And that is often part of the lifestyle changes I help my clients achieve  — let’s do this *thing* for 21 days, and then reevaluate how it is working in our lives, what we can do to improve, or what changes we need to make to ensure that we are able to stay consistent. 

People sitting at the table and sharing drinks and appetizers

The Kristi Jones Podcast - 7 Simple Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Begin Now

So let’s KISS. Here are 7 sustainable and simple ways to change your lifestyle habits in the new year. 

Here are some ideas to get your started: 

1. Take time for yourself: Schedule regular time for self-care activities like yoga, meditation, journaling, or reading. 

2. Try a new healthy recipe: Spend some time in the kitchen trying out new recipes that are both nutritious and delicious. 

3. Get outside: Take a walk in nature, go for a bike ride, or try a new outdoor activity like snowshoeing or skiing. 

4. Track your progress: Keep a journal or use an app to track your progress on any new habits or goals you are working on. 

5. Make time for friends: Spend time with people who lift you up and make you happy. If you are in a transitional time of life and need to make new friends, seek out opportunities to do things involving a hobby you have or sport you like to watch or play. People with similar interests have a starting off point as to easy conversation starters or what you may have in common.

6. Get organized: Spend some time decluttering your home or office and create a plan for staying organized in the future. January is a perfect time to trash, donate and clear out of your space things that no longer support the life you are living or bring you joy or serve a purpose on a regular basis. 

7. Take a class: Start a new hobby or skill with a class or an online tutorial. 

Be sure to download my simple progress tracker to help you stay on top of your goals and ensure you are consistent.

Daily wellness log

The Kristi Jones Podcast-

With a few simple lifestyle changes, January can be a great time to set yourself up for a healthier and happier year ahead.

What are some changes you are planning to make this year?