It is important we learn ways to tackle and manage the feeling of overwhelm, anxiety and stress. These feelings can creep up on us from time from time. We should pay attention to them as indicators of adjusting some things in our life. We can also combat it with good habits to lower the stress. It truly can have long lasting effects on our health and mental well being.

Here are 6 ways to fight stress and chill yourself out:

Music Music is proven to effect our energetic vibration and promote well being. There are many studies showing the positive effect music has on reducing stress, improving our immune system and can reduce feelings of anxiety. When my dad was getting treatment for his traumatic brain injury, the treatment center had him listening to music each day. Since he used to play the saxophone, they also encouraged him to get back at playing it as best he could. Even though his stamina at that time couldn’t handle very much time playing the sax, even a few minutes a day was a big boost! The effects of music on our neuropathways is amazing!

RELATED: The Healing Effects of Sound with Haley Julius

Workout Moving your body and getting the blood pumping is one of the very best things we can do to reduce the feelings of stress. Any amount of exercise is good. However, if you can do moderate exertion or more h gives you the best release of endorphins and will boost your mood.

Sex You probably know this one for sure so we might as well talk about it! Sexual health is important and those that engage in physical affection or sexual behavior with their partner experience less stressful feelings. It’s a big mood booster and gives you all the benefits of endorphins. So cozy up, show some love and have some fun while reducing the feelings of overwhelm and stress.

Laughter Listen to a funny podcast. Watch a good comedy movie. If you are short on time and want a quick laugh, simply scroll some funny you tube videos, memes, funny Instagram reels, or Tik Tok videos. When I come across a funny video, I love to share it with my brother especially because we share the same sense of humor! He keeps me entertained with sending me some good stuff as well.

Outdoor Time Get outside, breath in the fresh air, go for a walk, or sit in the sunshine. Look at the trees, grass, clouds, sky and all your surroundings. If you live in a mostly urban area, get to a park, trail, beach or any area that gives you a little bit of nature and breathing room. There is just something about seeing the beauty of nature and getting fresh air that is uplifting and can cause us to just relax a bit deeper.

Breath Work Taking just a few minutes to focus on your breathing can do the trick to calm things down within. Our nervous system is a major part behind how our body responds to stimulus and activity. When you feel like things are spinning out of control, take a few minutes and slow your breathing down. This can literally be done anywhere! When we slow our breath down and do more deep breaths, our brain, nervous system and all our cells respond positively. Breath is what move energy though our body down to the cellular level. Below our a couple videos from my you tube channel on how to do these quick and easy breathing exercises.

Option 1- A very simple breathing exercise to do literally anywhere for stress relief.
Option 2 for a quick and easy breathing exercise to calm the body and mind.

I hope you found these 6 simple ways to reduce stress helpful and something you can implement right away. Try to incorporate any of these practices in your day next time you feel anxiety kick in or you get the feeling like you need a reset for your mind, body and spirit.

Thank for stopping by my blog! I’m wishing you good vibes and a peaceful day.

KJ Inner Circle

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6 Ways to Combat Stress and Overwhlem- Kristi Jones